IAHSS representatives are finishing up their work on the Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI)2022 Guidelines for Design and Construction documents for hospitals, outpatient facilities, and residential care facilities. The current representatives have served as subject matter experts on the 130-person Health Guidelines Revision Committee (HGRC) since 2018.
The FGI Guidelines have been adopted by 42 state legislatures or public health agencies in the U.S. and are used as reference material, best practices, and supporting guidance in the remaining states and well beyond North America. The Guidelines are updated and published every four years.
IAHSS submitted content from the original edition of the IAHSS Security Design Guidelines in 2011 during the development of the 2014 FGI Guidelines. Two members of the IAHSS Security Design Guidelines Task Force were invited to join the HGRC as IAHSS representatives at that time and ultimately served during the 2014 and 2018 Guidelines revision cycle. Two other members were then appointed to the HGRC as IAHSS representatives for the development of the 2022 Guidelines.
IAHSS would like recognize the effort that goes into the development of the FGI Guidelines and thank Tom Smith, CHPA, CPP, and Kevin Tuohey, CHPA, for their work with the 2014 and 2018 HGRC. And Ed Browne, MS, CHFM, CHC, CHPA, CLSS, FASHE, LFACHE, and Roger Rueda, PSP, for the work they are currently involved in with the 2022 HGRC. Thanks to Ed’s involvement with the 2022 HGRC, new requirements have been added for duress alarms and video surveillance at the entrances to EDs that may be unmanned or locked late at night.
Read the original post here.